Derbyshire Butchery Experience | Game Butchery  | HDK | HDK

Game Butchery in Derbyshire, Peak District

Half day
Minimum participants
Maximum participants
Discounts available
On bookings of 16+ people
At a glance

Meal included
See the skinning and the butchery of the game
Make venison burgers/sausages
Burgers to take away
Expert knowledge & tuition
Stunning private country estate location

All Materials Supplied
Ingredients Included
Good Pub Close By
Ideal for Stags
Ideal for Hens
Fab for Team Building
More Activities On Site
Accommodation On-Site Available
Free Car Park
Food Available
Hot/Cold Drinks Available
£79 per person
Game Butchery in Derbyshire, Peak District.

Simply put, this is fascinating stuff. You’ll be welcomed to our stunning private accommodation in Derbyshire which plays host to this traditional and very skilled butchery experience.

Our game butcher is a whiz with his knives. To witness this skillful display is almost like watching art. But bear in mind, this can get pretty full on. It’s not for the squeamish.

After skinning the animal, your butcher will prepare the most delicious steaks you’ve ever tasted. Once they’ve been cut we’ll whisk them away and pan fry them at the lodge for your venison meal.

If you’re staying on-site at the Derbyshire country estate in our cabins we’ll prepare them for you to cook in your own private BBQ cabin later on. I’m getting excited just writing this stuff.

We’ll explain how to use the meat, and where possible* we’ll also make the most wonderful venison sausages or burgers you’ll ever taste. This butchery experience is one you’ll never forget.

*May vary due to timings, please ask when you make your booking if this is available. Please note this experience includes the meat for your meal, and not the whole carcass.*